Landlord Inspections

Landlord Gas Safety Inspections

We always service the appliance with a landlords gas safety inspection as per manufactures instructions,

Please make sure your tenants are safe, We think It should be law.

HSE advise on Landlord Responsibility

A Landlord safety certificate is the minimum required by the Gas Regulations, however it should be pointed out that guidance to the regulations (article 219) points out that “neither should it be assumed that carrying out annual safety checks will be sufficient to provide effective maintenance.”

It should also be pointed out that manufacturers instructions are legal documents and they specify what should be adhered to, with respect to their appliance. Generally the advice states that the appliance should be serviced annually. Generally the service will cover all aspects of the safety check and therefore the certificate can be issued at nominal extra cost.
Our Service
With reference to the above we will normally recommend servicing a gas fire or boiler when issuing a Landlord certificate unless the appliance has recently been commissioned or the landlord can show a recent service record. This requirement by us is to protect both tenant and landlord as well as our own reputation. Ensuring peace of mind for all concerned.

The Gas Safety inspection will list:
The date the appliance or flue was examined and the address where the appliance is installed.
The landlords details (name, address and, where necessary managing agents details)
Description and location of the appliance or flue.
Recognition of and recording of any defects.
The name and signature of the gas operative and the CORGI registration number of the engineer.
The following checks will be carried out to ensure the appliance is safe:
Appliance operating pressure or heat input, or where necessary both
Correct operation of safety devices
Ensure adequate ventilation is available where required
Visual examination of the flue system
Where applicable, results of a flue flow test
Where applicable, results of a spillage test
Ensure flue termination is satisfactory
The appliance is safe to use

All safety certificates are completed electronically and we email them through to you the Landlord and also to the tenants, you can then forward this to Estate agents or property management companies without the need for photocopying and postage.
You benefit from receiving the original therefore it can be forwarded by email.
All certificates are completed and sent the same day from our engineers mobile handset, landlords who do not live locally find this method very helpful. 

Landlords and Tenants
There are numerous sources of information on Landlord and Tenants rights and duties, refer to our Gas Safety Help & Advice page for further details.

Click here link to HSE site for full information on gas safety. 

NHS advise on Carbon monoxide click here

You-tube link to Carbon monoxide advise video

Poorly maintained gas appliances, such as boilers, fires and cookers are the main source of carbon monoxide in the home, with inadequate ventilation increasing the problem.

Things to watch for -: Staining around the appliance or the case, change in colour around the wall, Poor flame colour if you can see inside the burner,  Shut the appliance off and call a gas safe registered engineer as soon as possible.

All homes with gas appliances should be checked yearly by a ‘Gas Safe’ registered engineer who will undertake repair work and issue a gas safety certificate. For owner occupiers it is good sense, for landlords it is a legal requirement. Landlords should ensure that their tenants get a copy of the gas safety certificate within 28 days of the gas check, or, if new tenants, when they move in. Landlords who don’t meet the requirements of The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 can face prosecution and heavy fines.

Carbon Monoxide Detector we commonly use is the Fire Angel with a 7 year life and insist that one is fitted with any open flue appliance.